Winter Solstice Reflections & Rituals
As the Wheel of the Year turns and we near winter and her fertile darkness, the time of greatest shadow, we are reminded of the inner fire that illuminates, that liberates- the ecstatic spark of light held within.
In the Northern Hemisphere, the Winter Solstice on 12/21 marks the longest night of the year and the cosmic return of the sun.
Across many world traditions and nature based spiritual practices, this time of the year is a time of collective celebration, hope and trust. Trust that warmer, brighter days are ahead. As we herald in the return of the light, there’s a sense of rebirth, re-emergence and re-awakening.
This time of the year is always a powerful time to set intentions and release the old. You are celestially encouraged during this seasonal juncture to pause, reflect, and rejoice in all the joys and bounty from the past year, as well as set intentions for what you want to nurture in this next cycle. When we are able to sync our personal life rhythms and intentions with the greater cosmic cycles, the easier it becomes to lean into and trust collective support as we navigate changes and the seasons of life.
Stay open to whatever wisdom and intuitive insights come through during this time of rest, reflection and renewal. Rather than forcing anything, allow what needs to reveal itself or be released to do so.
And so it is.
What you’ll need:
Sacred Space: This can be at home or outside in nature, anywhere you feel held, secure and supported in this work. Grab something comfy to sit on, as well as a cloth or scarf to act as a base for your altar.
Greens + Smudge: Traditional herbal allies for Winter Solstice rituals are evergreens, such as pine, fir, juniper or cedar, as well as bay leaves, holy, cloves, cinnamon, oranges, and frankincense. These are symbols of eternal life, vitality, clarity, harmony, protection, purification & prosperity. Grab your favorite smudge, which could be one of the above herbal allies, palo santo, rosemary, or your favorite incense.
Lights: From the festival of lights of a menorah, to fairy lights on a Christmas tree, longer nights ask us to shine our own lights in the darkness. Gather any candles, electric or battery powered lights you have and create a circle of light to help illuminate and concentrate your focus.
Burn That Shit: If you have a fire safe dish, bowl, cauldron etc, grab it. A fire place is perfect too. If you are unable to safely burn something in your sacred space, a few fiery fierce exhales out the mouth combined with the intention to release is perfect too!
Journal: For personal reflections. I always love to look back at what I was steeping in and setting my visions on the year prior.
Using what you’ve gathered, create a sacred space that resonates and inspires you. Put down a cloth or scarf as your base. Now it’s time to get creative: assemble in a circular or star formation at the center of your altar any of the greenery you’ve gathered. Some greenery can be put in a vase or small jar, this helps bring in the element of water.
Light your candles (element of fire), gather photos of loved ones, crystals (earth element), trust whatever you feel intuitively called to add to the altar.
Moving clockwise, smudge your space, then smudge yourself from your crown, down the central channel, arms, to your feet clearing the energy and blessing the space (air/ ether element).
Find your seat and prepare to journal.
Pause and reflect on the entire unfolding of this past year. Think back to any intentions you might have set at the beginning of this cycle, or at any of the potent junctures along the way as the Wheel of the Year turned.
1.) What were your moments of greatest JOY?! Your full body yes moments, those times of blossoming fullness, of JAI, meaning victory on your path.
How did you grow or transform this past year? What did you accomplish? What boons are you bringing with you into this next cycle?
2.) Were there any seed intentions or goals you set that didn’t get a chance to come into fruition? Be compassionate and honest with yourself: did you take time to honor what was in your heart this past year?
Have you honored the ways your heart, your wisdom, your love wants to move through you and into your life? Why or why not?
If not, what’s been holding you back? What inner or outer life circumstances, ways of beings, ideas, fears, etc kept you from tending to those seed desires?
One of our big themes this past year for our ritual gatherings, whether in Moon Circle, on retreat, or in class, was being un-bound. Awakening to our gifts and courageous sharing our magic with the world.
3.) What golden gems reside within you that are ready to be revealed? What gifts are you ready to step into? What makes you feel alive? What brings you joy?! What lights you up!? What makes your heart sing?!
Set the intention to live next year in a way that tends to and supports you living from a place that honors your hearts deepest desire.
Take a moment to embody that intention: what that would feel like? What would it look like? What needs to happen to fulfill that desire?
Fire has the alchemical power to transform, release as well as bless. Use your fire safe container to alchemize your prayers.
Inspired by your journaling for the second prompt, write down on a small piece of paper what you are truly ready to release- anything that’s been holding you back, any old ways of being, fears or doubts.
On another small piece of paper distill your reflections from the third prompt and write down what you are ready to receive, ready to call in, to step into fully into.
One at a time, offer these prayers into the flames. Try to always release with gratitude for the lessons and areas of growth, especially the hard ones. Our words are powerful, be intentional and be ready to really receive and let go what your releasing into the flames.
No fireplace? Take some long fierce exhales out the mouth, visualize anything you’re letting go of releasing on the exhale.